The Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is one of the oldest scientific institutions of chemical profile founded in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, a powerful center of chemical science in Ukraine. The history of its creation dates back to 1918, when the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician V.I. Vernadsky founded the Chemical Laboratory in Kyiv as a scientific institution within the Physics and Mathematics Department of the UAS. From 1920 to 1931, Academician V.O. Plotnikov was the head of the Chemical Laboratory and the Research Department of Chemistry of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, established in 1922. In 1929, the Research Institute of Chemistry of the People's Commissariat of Education was organized on the basis of the department. In 1931, it was merged with the Chemical Laboratory and consolidated within the Academy of Sciences as the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. During the war and evacuation, it was merged with the Institute of Organic Chemistry, and in 1945, after returning to Kyiv, it was divided into the Institute of Organic Chemistry and the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1993 the Institute was named after V.I. Vernadsky.

Employees of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the URS Academy. Laboratory of chemistry of non-aqueous solutions (1932) From left to right: I.A. Sheka (postgraduate student), B.F. Shapiro (senior laboratory assistant), I.M. Podorvan (postgraduate student), V.O. Plotnikov (academician, director of the Institute), Z.A. Yankelevych (Sheka) (postgraduate student), E.Y. Gorenbein (postgraduate student), S.Y. Yakubson (researcher)

The Institute has formed world-famous scientific schools of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of ionic melts and non-aqueous solutions (V.O. Plotnikov, Y.A. Fialkov, V.O. Izbekov, Y.K. Delimarsky, O.V. Gorodissky, S.V. Volkov, V.I. Shapoval, O.G. Zarubitsky, V.D. Prisyazhny, A.O. Omelchuk), colloid chemistry (A. V. Dumansky, F.D. Ovcharenko, O.D. Kurylenko, Yu. B. Yatsymyrsky, I.A. Sheka, S.V. Volkov, V.I. Pehnyo), chemistry and technology of water (L.A. Kulsky), chemistry of solids (A.G. Bilous, V.P. Chaly)

The group of leading employees of the Institute are: I.A. Sheka, M.S. Fortunov, Z.A. Sheka, O.K. Kudra, A.V. Dumansky - Director, L.A. Kulsky, S.Y. Yakubson, V.G. Kadenskaya. Standing: V.P. Chaly, M.M. Hraziansky, A.K. Babko, Y.K. Delimarsky, E.M. Nathanson, O.A. Shokol.

Laboratory staff Seated: Z.A. Sheka, S.Y. Yakubson, N.K. Davidenko, E.Y. Kriss, O.I. Shor, A. Baranova. Standing: Axelrud, Music, Derbarandiker, Haimovich, Z.A. Fokina, Spivakovsky, Kuzmenko, Yermolenko, V.B. Chernorenko, Shargorodsky.
The Institute became the founder of promising scientific directions and several academic institutions: Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry named after A.V. Dumansky (1968), Institute of Physics and Chemistry named after O.V. Bogatsky (1977), Institute of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology (1991), Interdepartmental Department of Electrochemical Energy (1993).
The scientific achievements of the Institute are based on the disclosure of the fundamental laws of chemical and electrochemical transformations of substances and are aimed at solving chemical and technological problems relevant to the life of the state. Thus, among the global scientific problems that V.I. Vernadsky worked on in the established Chemical Laboratory was the establishment of the laws of the genesis of minerals, clarification of the role of living organisms in the cycle of chemical elements of the Earth's crust. These works laid the foundations of biogeochemistry, ideas about the biosphere and noosphere. At the Institute, this direction has received a qualitatively new development in bioorganic and biocoordination chemistry (works of scientific schools of academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR K.B. Yatsymyrsky, F.D. Ovcharenko, O.V. Bogatsky, Prof. N.A. Kostromina and others). Such scientific directions as chemistry of silicon and alumina compounds, crystallography, chemistry of rare elements were also founded by academician V.I. Vernadsky.
One of the most important areas of work of the Institute since the 20s is research in the field of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of aqueous, non-aqueous and molten electrolytes. Theories of electrochemical processes in non-aqueous solutions developed by V.O. Plotnikov and ideas about the mechanisms of electrical conductivity of mixtures of non-electrolytes have become classical, and the assumption made in 1931 about the presence of a "microneutron" was 3 years ahead of Fermi's hypothesis about neutrinos. The works of V.O. Plotnikov's school (Y.A. Fialkov, V.O. Izbekov, Y.K. Delimarsky, O.K. Kudra) on the problems of zirconium, beryllium, aluminum and other metals extraction from non-aqueous and molten electrolytes laid the foundation for powder metallurgy, which became one of the leading industries of Ukraine in the postwar years.
The discovery of the phenomenon of metal transfer from the cathode to the anode during the electrolysis of ionic melts, registered in 1975 by Y.K. Delimarsky, O.G. Zarubitsky and V.G. Budnik, served as the basis for a new industry - pyroelectrometallurgy of heavy metals. Y.K. Delimarsky and O.G. Zarubitsky proposed new concepts of activation and mixed polarization of the electrode and methods for calculating diffusion processes in electrochemistry.

Among the scientific achievements of this series of works it should be noted the establishment of electrochemical potential series of metals in different melts, which became the basis of polarography of molten salts (Y.K. Delimarsky), the introduction of the concept of limiting overvoltage (O.V. Gorodissky), the establishment of the ion-radical mechanism of conductivity of a number of molecular melts (S. V. Volkov), the proof of the acid-base mechanism of formation of electroactive particles in melts and the limiting role of this mechanism in stationary and non-stationary electrode processes (V.I. Shapoval), the discovery of the Yesin-Markov effect and the creation of the theory of electrical conductivity of molten salt systems (B.F. Markov).

Important achievements in the field of applied electrochemistry are the development of technologies for the production of especially pure metals and metalloids by reactive electrolysis with the introduction of depressants; multistage electrolysis with liquid bipolar electrodes (L.H. Kozin), electrochemical synthesis of carbides, borides, silicides of refractory metals in molten salts (V. I. Shapoval), the use of fluidized electrodes for the extraction of traces of non-ferrous and noble metals in hydroelectrometallurgy and electroplating (M.O. Shvab, K.O. Kazdobin), the creation of electrochemical energy converters, lithium batteries with organic electrolytes, metal-free battery (O.V. Gorodissky, G.Y. Kolbasov, O.T. Vasko).

The study of the structure of liquid electrically conductive and non-electrolyte systems, initiated by the works of A.K. Babko, was formed into a separate scientific direction - the physical chemistry of coordination compounds. These works were extremely relevant for many industries of the country, which contributed to the development of the general theory of homogeneous equilibria (K.B. Yatsymirsky, I.A. Sheka), the development of high-temperature chemistry of ionic, molecular melts and gas systems (S.V. Volkov, B.F. Markov, V.D. Prysyazhny).

Scientists of the Institute carried out a number of developments and original technological solutions that have a global priority and wide practical use. Thus, in 1931, in order to intensify the processes of iron and steel smelting, the Institute was the first in the USSR to propose oxygen blowing (M.I. Mozgovoy, M.S. Fortunatov), which later received international recognition. In 1940, the Institute created the appropriate technology and obtained the first kilogram of indium in the USSR (Ya.A. Fialkov, A.T. Nizhnik, V.A. Zimmergakl). In 1937-1967, for the first time, developments in chemical treatment of industrial and wastewater and conservation of drinking water were carried out (L.A. Kulsky).
In 1940, according to the state order, systematic research in the field of analytical chemistry was started and the fundamentals of physicochemical analysis of solutions were developed, new catalytic, chemiluminescent, colorimetric methods of analysis were created, which received worldwide recognition (A.K. Babko). Later, in the works of the school of K.B. Yatsymirsky, new highly sensitive methods for the study of coordination compounds were developed, the connection between the spectral characteristics and the structure of the complexes was established. The basic kinetic regularities of transient reactions of rare earth elements with polydentate ligands and oscillatory redox reactions catalyzed by transition metal compounds were found.
In 1947-1967, the Institute carried out a significant amount of work aimed at studying the lyophilicity and electrochemical properties of disperse systems, which laid the foundations of the well-known scientific school in the field of colloid chemistry (A.V. Dumansky, F.D. Ovcharenko, O.D. Kurylenko).
Since the 60s, the Institute has expanded the work in the field of inorganic chemistry related to the synthesis and study of new functional inorganic materials (V.P. Chaly, Y.G. Goroshchenko, N.A. Kostromina), the development of advanced technologies for the processing of aluminum-containing raw materials (V.S. Sazhin), the creation of sorption materials and technologies (V.V. Strelko, V.M. Belyakov).

Until 1990, the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (headed by Y.K. Delimarsky), which coordinated all the research of the Soviet Union on the problems of physical chemistry of ionic melts and solid electrolytes, operated on the basis of the Institute.
Nowadays the Institute is the main scientific center of fundamental and applied research in the field of physical and inorganic chemistry, heterogeneous coordination chemistry, solid state chemistry, electrochemistry and physical chemistry of molten, liquid, solid electrolyte and electrode systems, methods of extraction of metals and compounds from various raw materials. On the basis of the Institute there are scientific councils of NAS of Ukraine on the problems of "Inorganic Chemistry" and "Electrochemistry", which coordinate research in Ukraine in these areas.
Currently, Vernadsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine carries out and coordinates fundamental and applied research in the field of inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry in Ukraine.
The scientific work of the Institute is carried out in eight departments, discussed at sectors and seminars on inorganic, physical chemistry and electrochemistry.
The problems of physical-inorganic and physical chemistry are worked out in the following main directions: chemistry of coordination compounds; high-temperature chemistry of ionic, molecular melts, gas, plasma environments; synthesis of new inorganic materials with specified properties; development of the basis of resource-saving technologies for processing mineral and man-made raw materials. The departments of physical and inorganic chemistry (Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine V.M. Ogenko), complex compounds (Academician of NAS of Ukraine V.I. Pehnyo), solid state chemistry (Academician of NAS of Ukraine A.G. Bilous), heterophase synthesis of inorganic compounds and materials (Doctor of Science O.K. Trunova), chemical and information analysis (Doctor of Science K.D. Pershina) work in these directions.
The problems of electrochemistry are worked out by the departments of electrochemistry and technology of inorganic materials (Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine A.O. Omelchuk), photoelectrochemistry and non-material systems (Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine G.Y. Kolbasov), electrochemical materials science and electrocatalysis (Doctor of Science, Professor V.S. Kublanovsky).
Scientists of the Institute have published 126 monographs published in Ukraine and abroad, more than 6200 articles, received more than 1450 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, with some developments patented in the CIS countries, Bulgaria, USA, Germany, Canada, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Brazil, South Africa. Since 1964, 25 thematic collections on the main scientific directions of the Institute have been published. Within the framework of the problem councils of the NAS of Ukraine more than 70 scientific conferences, congresses, sessions were held, including 15 of international level, with the participation of well-known foreign scientists. Scientific conferences of young scientists of the Institute are held annually.
Since 1925, the "Ukrainian Chemical Journal" has been published, created by merging the "Ukrainian Chemical Journal" and the scientific journal "Notes of the Institute of Chemistry" of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, which has been based at the Institute since 1934. The chief editors of the journal were academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences K.A. Krasutsky, professor I.A. Valyashko, academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR V.O. Plotnikov, A.V. Dumansky, E.A. Shilov, A.K. Babko, Y.K. Delimarsky, O.V. Gorodissky, S.V. Volkov, currently the chief editor of the journal is academician V.I. Pekhnyo. From 1967 to 1994, the journal was republished in full in English in the publishing house "Alerton Press" (New York, USA).
Now the Institute has 145 employees, including 96 scientists, including two academicians and three corresponding members of the NAS of Ukraine, 15 doctors of sciences, 56 candidates of sciences, 15 postgraduate students.
The Institute fruitfully cooperates with many domestic and foreign universities, academic institutions, other scientific centers and industrial associations. The priority areas of cooperation, in particular, within the framework of international scientific cooperation, include: synthesis, research of new coordination compounds and functional nanocomposites; development of resource-saving technologies for the efficient processing of metal-containing natural and man-made substances; development of methods for controlling electrophysical and photoelectrochemical parameters of composite inorganic and organoelementary systems, etc.
The main practical goal of the scientific developments of the Institute - on the basis of fundamental research in the field of physical and inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry, studying the properties of new compounds and materials - is the creation of highly efficient, environmentally friendly, energy and resource-saving "rational" technologies with the inclusion of secondary raw materials in the production process, reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment, as bequeathed by the "godfather" of the Institute, the genius thinker Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.
Resolution of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine dated 11.02.2015 № 23 approved the main directions of scientific activity of the Institute: − new science-intensive functional inorganic substances, materials, coatings; − electrochemistry of molten, liquid, solid electrolyte and electrode systems; − heterogeneous coordination chemistry; − ecological and "economic" circulation of metal-containing substances.
In accordance with these directions, the scientists of the Institute are working on the disclosure of the fundamental laws of physical, chemical and electrochemical transformations of matter in order to create new functional materials with specified properties to meet the needs of various fields of modern science and technology.
Within the framework of the target scientific program of the Department of Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Fundamental Research in the Priority Areas of Chemistry" for 2017-2021, the Institute carries out scientific work "New inorganic compounds and highly effective functional materials (physicochemical basis of design, heterogeneous, heterophase synthesis, structure, properties)". The subject of the work actually summarizes the scientific direction that the Institute represents in the Department of Chemistry, and fully corresponds to the main directions of fundamental research in the field of chemical sciences approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine dated 20.12.2013 № 179, namely 2.1.1. Development of chemical knowledge about substances and processes; 2.1.2. Nanochemistry; 2.1.3. Chemical ecology; 2.1.4. Biologically active substances and materials; 2.1.5. New high-performance processes and materials.
Over the years of the Institute's activity, the research of scientists has been awarded many state and personal prizes, medals and awards, in particular, the State Prize of the USSR (1979), the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1989), the State Prizes of the USSR in the field of science and technology (1969, 1986, 1988), the State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (1969, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1995, 2008, 2010), the Prizes named after L.V. Pisarzhevsky Prize of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1969, 1972, 1983, 1986, 1988, 2008, 2010), L.A. Chugayev Prize of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), O.I. Brodsky Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2001), Spacu Prize of the Romanian Academy of Sciences (1975), Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, V degree (2004), Order of Princess Yaroslav the Wise (2004). ), Order of Princess Olga of the III degree (2003, 2004), Order of Friendship of the Russian Federation (2006), Order of Honor of Georgia (2006), titles "Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine", "Honored Chemist", etc.
Academician of NAS of Ukraine, Director of the Institute S.V. Volkov opens the celebrations on the occasion of naming the Institute after the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician V.I. Vernadsky, founder of the chemical laboratory in Ukraine
President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician B.E. Paton, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine K.B. Yatsymirsky, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Director of the Institute S.V. Volkov, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work V. I. Pekhnyo, at the opening ceremony of the bust of the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician, founder of the chemical laboratory in Ukraine in the future Institute of Chemistry in honor of the awarding of the Institute named after V.I. Vernadsky

Director of the Institute V.I. Pekhnyo and Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences V.S. Kublanovsky - participants of the 7th International Conference "Space Technologies of the Present and the Future". Dnipro, Yuzhnoye SDO, 2019.
In 1970, the Institute was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Council of Trade Unions, in 1981 it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, in 2004 - the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Scientific achievements of the Institute were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981), 6 State Prizes in Science and Technology of the USSR and Ukraine (1969, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1995, 2018).
The research strategy of the Institute is based on the elucidation of the fundamental laws of chemical and electrochemical transformations of matter and is focused on solving the chemical and technological problems relevant for the innovative development of the state and profile for the Institute.
Thus, in accordance with the needs of various industries, the Institute was the first in the world to propose oxygen blowing for smelting high quality steel (1931), the first kilogram of domestic indium was obtained (1940), in the 60s the foundations of pyroelectrometallurgical processes for the production of high-purity metals in salt melts (Pb, Bi, Sn, Sb, In, Be, Ti, etc.) were laid. The created technological processes have no analogues in the world practice of non-ferrous metallurgy, on the scale of the industry mastered by industrial enterprises of the former USSR. The staff of the Institute for the first time synthesized carbon nanotubes in melts (1964), developed and implemented in the field of non-ferrous metallurgy a number of technologies for obtaining particularly pure metals and metalloids (1975-1990) and methods of solid-phase synthesis of inorganic materials.
Among the fundamental scientific achievements of the Institute, which became the basis of classical theories of physical chemistry and electrochemistry, the following should be noted:
- the concept of electrolytic dissociation of substances taking into account intermolecular, ion-molecular and ion-ion interactions (V.O. Plotnikov, M.A. Rabinovich. Ukrainian Chem. Journal - 1928 - Vol. 3. - P. 237). (Taking into account these interactions led to the improvement of the Debye-Hückel theory (1923);
- prediction of the existence of neutrinos (V.A. Plotnikov. Proc. Inst. of Chem., 1936. vol. III, p. 4: "My hypothesis led to the conclusion that during intraatomic reactions neutral particles are emitted" (Later works of different researchers confirmed the emission of neutrinos).
- Yesin-Markov effect - an abnormally high effect of shifting the zero charge potential of the electrode with increasing concentration of specifically adsorbed ions (worldwide recognition at the international conference on electrochemistry in Canada - D. Graham), initiated the development of the theory of discrete charge distribution in the double electrode layer;
- the phenomenon of metal transfer from the cathode to the anode during the electrolysis of melts (Y.K. Delimarsky diploma for scientific discovery No. 155 dated 27.12.1975 with the priority of December 27, 1960) initiated the pyroelectrometallurgy of non-ferrous metals;
- voltammetry of molten electrolytes on solid and liquid electrodes, theoretical principles of electrochemical kinetics in melts (Y.K. Delimarsky, O.V. Gorodissky, V.I. Shapoval);
- the concept of overvoltage limit in electrochemical systems (O.V. Gorodissky);
- theory of electrode refining of metals (Y.K. Delimarsky, O.G. Zarubitsky);
- theory of acid-base mechanism of formation of electroactive particles in melts as a determining factor in the kinetics of electrode processes (V.I. Shapoval);
- theory of multi-electron electrode reactions (V.I. Shapoval, O.O. Andriiko, H.B. Kushkhov, O.G. Tsiklauri, V.V. Solovyov);
- Fundamentals of the theory of impedance electrode spectroscopy (O.V. Gorodissky, E.V. Panov);
- high-temperature electron spectroscopy of molten salts (S.V. Volkov, V.D. Prysyazhny).
Important achievements in the field of applied electrochemistry, which still have not lost their technical relevance, are the methods of cathodic-anodic and thin-layer refining of non-ferrous metals, refining with liquid and porous bipolar electrodes; electrosynthesis of carbides, borides, silicides of refractory metals in molten salts; use of fluidized electrodes for extraction of non-ferrous and noble metals from solutions of natural and anthropogenic origin, processes of finishing metal surfaces (electrochemical polishing, milling, removal of color variability and application of decorative and protective electroplating, extraction of radionuclides, etc.
Among the global scientific problems that Academician V.I. Vernadsky worked on in the established Chemical Laboratory, the key was to establish the laws of the genesis of minerals, to clarify the role of living organisms in the cycle of chemical elements of the Earth's crust. These works laid the foundations of biogeochemistry, ideas about the biosphere and noosphere. In the Institute, this direction has received a qualitatively new development in bioorganic and coordination chemistry, methods of crystallographic analysis, in the chemistry of silicon compounds, rare earth elements, complex solid-phase oxide structures, in the chemistry of ionic, molecular melts and gas systems. Modern research methods allow tracing changes in the properties of matter on the nanometer scale, provide opportunities to control local interactions of molecular clusters, even individual molecules, atoms, ions, radicals. This opens new ways of modeling, designing, assembling nanostructured materials and devices based on them, attracts the attention and creative interest of young scientists.
Until 1990, the Institute was the basic organization of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the Physical Chemistry of Ionic Melts and Solid Electrolytes (chaired by Academician Y.K. Delimarsky), two Scientific Councils of the USSR Academy of Sciences: on the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Electrode Processes (chaired by Academician O.V. Gorodissky), on Inorganic Chemistry (chaired by I.A. Shek). The Councils coordinated the work of many scientific centers of the country and the republic. Now these functions are performed by the Scientific Councils of the NAS of Ukraine on the problems of "Inorganic Chemistry" and "Electrochemistry", which coordinate the profile research of academic institutions, chemical faculties and departments of universities of Ukraine. The Scientific Councils consist of about 80 leading scientists of Ukraine, including 4 academicians, 9 corresponding members of NAS of Ukraine, 76 professors and doctors of sciences. The Scientific Councils assist the Department of Chemistry in determining the priority areas of professional research, provide expert assessments of planned and submitted to competitions of fundamental research works in the relevant fields.
Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the oldest academic chemical institution in Ukraine, one of the largest centers of chemical science. A number of topical fundamental and applied problems of modern physical and inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry developed at the Institute are known not only in our country but also abroad.
Академік АН УРСР В.О. Плотніков очолював Інститут до 1941 р. Під час війни в евакуації у м. Уфі об'єднаним Інститутом хімії тимчасово керували академіки АН УРСР В.П. Яворський (1941-1942 рр.) та А.І. Кіпріанов (1942-1945 рр.).
In the post-war years, the Institute was headed by academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A.V. Dumansky (1946-1960), Y.K. Delimarsky (1960-1973), O.V. Gorodissky (1973-1992).
From 1992 until the last days of his life (March 9, 2016) the Institute was headed by Academician of NAS of Ukraine S.V. Volkov.
During the years of its existence, the Institute was formed as an outstanding research center of the country, became the founder of many new scientific directions, the ancestor of five chemical institutions. Thus, in 1939, on the basis of the sector of organic chemistry of the Institute, the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was organized (Director - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V.P. Yavorsky). In 1968, the Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Academician L.A. Kulsky) and the Institute of Colloid Chemistry (Academician F.D. Ovcharenko) were established on the basis of the Institute's water chemistry (Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR).
In 1977, on the basis of the laboratories and pilot plant of the Institute in Odesa, the Physicochemical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was established, headed by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A.V. Bogatsky, and in 1991, on the basis of the Department of Sorption Processes, the Institute of Sorption and Endoecology Problems of the NAS of Ukraine was established. In 1994, the Department of Ionic Melts Chemistry was reorganized into the Interdepartmental Department of Electrochemical Energy of NAS of Ukraine.